You know what? I have a hard time thinking that theology has been reduced to something more then what logical people do for a hobby. I mean theology is defined as the study of God. At what point did this become just a hobby?
Now I am in no way saying every lay Christian needs to be able to flesh out a doctoral dissertation. But why does it seem that the thirst for the knowledge of God has been replaced with the thirst of the Reader's Digest version of all things relating to God, Scripture, Christianity?
Paul even charges the church at Rome to continue to transform themselves by the renewing of their mind (Romans 12:2). This comes at a point where Paul is clearly showing our humanly response to the doctrine, or Gospel, he has spent laying down in the previous 11 chapters.
I guess more then anything this is just me verbalizing my thought process. I am not saying we all need to be reduced to seminary students, or that we all need to be the same in how we renew our minds. I guess I would just love to see the all encompassing sufficiency of scripture become publicly elevated. I love my bible and I see God, throughout history move mightily when scripture is elevated to exalt Him.
Anyways, I guess all I wanted to say today is that I love scripture and I love Jesus.
Also, click on the title, it's a link to an article.