Monday, January 14, 2008

Christian Politics

Well as we are in an election year I have been thinking a lot about the landscape of politics and especially how the “Christian Community” views it. When I say thinking a lot, I mean I have been hearing and watching what people think about candidates, policies, etc. There seems to be this trend with Christians and who and how they vote.

It’s funny because I think we Christians have this default mechanism that just votes for everything that they perceive is “Christian.” We think that this is our duty and not doing that is some how bad or “Un” Christian.

I was listening to a radio show by a Christian guy I listen to a lot. I think he brought up a valid point. We, or most people, would be the first to jump up and point the finger or argue that it is un intelligent and off base to vote for someone like Hillary just because she is a woman; or Obama just because he is black. So, why couldn’t those same people point at us Christians and say the same thing?

See, I think this “default” mechanism in us “Christians” is something that points to something deeper then just politics or how we vote. I think it is a direct product of the “Consumer” mentality that exists amongst the Christians in the Western world.

See, if you don’t know what a “Consumer Christian” is, it is the Christian that thinks the church exists for them and their comfort. That somehow following Christ is just showing up to church on Sunday, maybe attending a mid week service and throwing a check in the offering every so often. Essentially, it is living vicariously thorough other people doing what God commands and they some how are the same because they go to the same church.

Ultimately, what I have noticed is, just voting for the Christian candidate is the “Consumer” way of evangelism. Somehow if we elect Christian officials and they make Christianity law, that Atheists and the like will have to become Christian because it is law. Or, if Christianity is law, that somehow validates what they believe, therefore not having to defend or fight for what they believe; or simply making defense of the faith as easy as “ well a law was just passed…”

Now I am in no way saying you should vote for someone who isn’t Christian so you don’t become part of this problem. I think the issue is your motive. Thinking that a change of laws will somehow make people believe in God and His goodness or point people to Jesus are unbiblical. Before Jesus ascended into heaven he said ”go, and make disciples of all nations..” Not vote, and have other people make law that the things of me be followed. That was tried once and obviously God had to send His son to fulfill it.

Maybe this is just an incoherent rant, but ultimately what I am trying to say is, it takes a change of heart, not a change of laws that points people to the one true and glorious thing that is. Jesus Christ!

1 comment:

thexJib said...

Christians should vote for liberty and life.